I’m Grateful for Your Courageousness

By Clyde C. Lowstuter

Firefighter Enters FireIn the spirit of giving thanks, I’ve been thinking about how grateful I am for the people in my life – and especially the courage that men and women display, in every kind of uniform, when they step into the breach for all of us.

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of having breakfast with an impressive elite firefighter. As a crew chief of Hot Shots, he rappels out of helicopters with his team into the most dangerous blazes and difficult terrains.

Obviously, while physical stamina and technical competency are critical, I was equally impressed by his mental, behavioral, and emotional discipline.  These are all key to his success.  Trusting partners to “have your back” is never more important than in the midst of a roaring fire that’s out of control. I was awed by his confidence, humility, and the keen commonsense insights that life-and-death lessons have taught him.  In the off-season he is drawn to teaching as a way to inspire young children from the lessons he has learned.

I give thanks for the courageousness of my young friend and all the men and women in uniform who serve for the greater good.

As a leader, how might you model this kind of courage – in whatever capacity or title you possess?


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