Realize your career goals and life’s plan through R|L’s innovative, strategic Executive Career Transition Coaching.

“Through Executive Career Transition, I was coached in negotiating a significant promotion.  With R|L’s help, I feel that I am now operating as a true leader.  I discovered that I am a better leader and perform better when I am a good listener, negotiator, and facilitator.  This perspective actually has turned out to be much more important than [feeling] like I have to always know everything.”

  Senior Vice President of Marketing – major pharmaceutical company

Executive Focus

  • We are exclusively focused on serving the diverse needs of senior executives.  R|L’s Executive Career Transition services are highly responsive, customized programs that help clients create and explore multiple career options.  We co-develop innovative strategies that enable people to make great career moves within an optimal timeframe.
  • Increasingly, executives seek meaning in their lives and careers.  Through in-depth diagnostic assessments, we help clients balance their capabilities with their dreams, passions, commitment, and marketplace realities.  In fact, we offer our personalized Career Check-Up to our “alumni” long after their initial program has ended.  

Executive Career Transition Coaching

  • Our brand of Executive Career Transition is much more than merely job changing.  It is the finest example of real-time career coaching.  This high-caliber coaching program is uniquely designed for executives who are interested in exploring a number of career venues, including corporate roles similar to the ones they are in (or exiting), entrepreneuring, venture capital, board positions, consulting, philanthropic, not-for-profit, or academic posts, to name a few.
  • A key feature of our process is the personalized partnership with an experienced R|L coach who tailors the careering support to each executive and avoids the lock-step orientation of formal “canned” programs.  The focus on executives, coupled with our own unique career coaching approach, continues to distinguish Robertson Lowstuter in the marketplace.  

Comprehensive Support… for Life!

  • Capitalizing on the business depth and skills of our senior career coaches, R|L incorporates in-depth diagnostic assessment and insightful coaching, consulting, research, administrative, and office support in an up-scale, high tech environment throughout the duration of the executive’s career transition program . . . and beyond.  This highly customized program includes 90 days of additional executive onboarding counseling following a client’s connection with a new job.
  • Lifetime Coaching with R|L is an incredibly valuable asset.  We provide annual career evaluation and planning strategy check-ups for our senior executives.  Career coaching with R|L helps to keep executives focused, on track, and empowered.  Our clients have ready access to us if they want to calibrate their career strategy or chat about an issue. We welcome these long-term relationships and have kept in touch with many clients over the years following the conclusion of their formal career transition program.

The R|L Difference – Abiding Commitment to Client Success 

  • The Robertson Lowstuter distinction is an energetic, knowledgeable, and Personal Commitment to the success of each individual and the corporations from which they are departing.
  • As coaches, we Partner with our executive Career Transition clients.  We have “hands on” involvement in each individual’s career search campaign.  Our career coaches do not teach people to write resumes – we develop them in conjunction with the individual.
  • Dignity & Confidentiality are significant values here at Robertson Lowstuter.  We provide comfortable, private executive offices with a personalized phone system and leading-edge computer capabilities.  We complement our one-on-one coaching by offering monthly Client Roundtables in which timely topics are discussed and networking occurs.
  • We are fully committed to producing Quality Results.  Quality Results are accomplished by digging below the surface, exploring ideal career options and those roadblocks / accelerants to success.  Quality Results are in the quantified, accomplishments-oriented resumes, marketing letters, and other career search materials we produce for our executive career transition clients.  Quality Results are in the superior administrative support for all clients, including those exploring entrepreneurial opportunities needing creative proposal or presentation assistance.  Quality Results are in the career coaching we provide to clients and their spouses / partners, if needed, from the time of separation through the completion of the campaign . . . and beyond.
  • Above all, Robertson Lowstuter career coaches Care!  The individuals with whom we work, and their families, see their R|L partner in many roles – confidant, business and marketing consultant, coach, friend, and above all, career-life coach.  In fact, many alumni return year after year to discuss ongoing career planning strategies.

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