Stretch the leadership and operating capabilities of executives, resulting in highly motivated, adaptive, collaborative, and accountable teams.
The true result — an improved P&L and competitive advantage.

“The respective businesses prided themselves on being independent, with the general managers operating as mavericks, difficult to influence.  During the High Performance Team Building retreats, we learned first-hand the advantages of fully trusting and collaborating. We were amazed that we produced better results and had more fun together. The pace of decision-making has sped up and the silos have virtually disappeared.  Thank you for helping us get to where we needed to be, though we didn’t fully know it then.”  

Vice President, HR – scientific instrument manufacturer

Imagine an Organization in which…

  • Executives have leadership mastery and readily access more of their own unique potential.
  • People fully contribute and where openness, honesty, accountability, straightforwardness, and being results-driven are the cultural norms.
  • Leaders are confident, bold, enthusiastic, and have a comfortable balance between their technical knowledge, management capabilities, and interpersonal skills.
  • Senior managers are able to effectively motivate, challenge, and lead others to perform to the best of their abilities.
  • All employees operate as leaders in their own roles and are able to experience what is fully possible from themselves and others.
  • Employees serve the greater organizational good, while meeting their own needs.  

Strategic Deliverables for High Performance Team Building

  • Enhance the leadership skills and operating performance of executives to create a highly motivated, adaptive, and collaborative team in which people hold each other accountable for shared results.
  • Create a compelling vision and shared values, gain alignment and commitment, and identify behaviors that reinforce them.
  • Develop a context in which problems, issues, and opportunities are candidly, openly, respectfully, and straightforwardly addressed.
  • Create a sustainable, competitive advantage for the company by perpetuating learning and solidifying continuous improvement of the team.
  • Enable executives to contribute even more by helping them be more flexible, adaptive, and results-oriented, and less political, while managing conflict better. 

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