executive coaching

We empower executives to dramatically improve their performance by consciously managing their blockages and accelerants to success.

“I credit Executive Coaching for my being able to quickly turn around our under-performing business in San Diego.  This generated a $125 million positive profit swing in record time and directly contributed to my promotion to Vice President soon after this project was completed.  You helped me become the leader I always wanted to be.  Thanks!”

Vice President Credit – global financial services company 

“The most significant growth area for me as a result of Coaching is a total redefinition of Accountability.  I now see Accountability as getting people to work together to achieve a result, each contributing fully.  My old belief was that I was the person accountable for giving all the “right” answers to others and persuading them to accept my ideas and produce what I wanted.”

CFO – automotive parts manufacturer

Breakthrough Performance Coaching 

  • Everyone can benefit from coaching.
  • We know that most executives are already successful.  Executive Coaching is for executives and senior managers committed to leadership mastery.  Of course, this also encompasses performance improvement and breakthroughs in interpersonal relationships.
  • Executive Coaching is an invigorating one-on-one relationship between an executive and a seasoned R|L coach.  During this process, the vision, values, commitments, and drivers of the client come clearly into focus.
  • As executive coaches, we enable executives to significantly enhance their performance by successfully managing those critical blockages and accelerants to success.  In essence, we help people immediately take charge and improve their careers. 

Pragmatic Executive Coaching 

  • Our process is highly pragmatic, focused on results, and immediately applicable.  As partners in this process, we help executives gain objectivity and focus on critical issues through personalized “Just-In-Time, Real-Time” interaction.
  • We don’t deal in esoteric theories or “shoulds;” we deal in the “how-to” nuts and bolts of generating value-added successes.  We equip executives to enhance their performance and leadership skills now . . . not 12 months from now. 

Robertson Lowstuter Coaches…

  • See the true potential of every executive they coach and keep this potential clearly in focus, neither exaggerating it beyond what it is nor diminishing it unnecessarily.
  • Highlight the critical blockages that are keeping the person from operating authentically and from taking the next steps in his / her development.
  • Speak directly and truthfully so that the executive gets an accurate assessment of who he / she really is, both strengths and developmental needs.
  • Empower the executive to take the necessary steps to remove roadblocks and to make the most strategic and significant contribution to the organization.
  • Clarify goals and evoke action from the executive to more quickly produce significant results, while gaining endorsement from others. 

Executive Coaching is NOT…

  • Therapy . . . Executive Coaching is results-oriented and focused on what is working well and not working well in the present.  We don’t need to or want to delve into a client’s past.  We are more interested in how to enhance the effectiveness of a client’s operating style now.
  • Friendship . . . Executive Coaching, though open, honest, supportive, and emotionally safe, is about objective truth telling and removing blockages so individuals can consciously change and become effective.  Friends are forgiving; coaches are constructively critical.
  • Consulting / Mentoring . . . Executive Coaching, though often attached to a consulting process and many times feels like mentoring, the insights are only facilitated by the coach.  The real work is done by the client’s own self-discovery journey. 

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