Curiosity Conquers Fear

The poet James Stephens said, “Curiosity will conquer fear even more than bravery will.”

If we fixate on our fears, we can get stuck—endlessly looping in a cycle of worry and defensiveness. Instead of projecting our best selves in the job market, we project the very thing we want to avoid—our fears.

A job search can be fear-inducing. Will I show up well? Will I find an organization that allows me to utilize my expertise? Will I find a role with the right compensation level? Instead of swirling in current unknowns, use curiosity to address fear. Use questions to uncover truths. Use curiosity to demonstrate your true, engaged, authentic self – your best self.

Curiosity is a way to project our inner thoughts outward. Curiosity transforms the fear-based question: “Will I need to relocate to find the right job?” to: “Where can I create an opportunity for myself locally?” In addition, refocusing on the needs of others will help you to reframe your search as providing a solution for others instead of being a problem you have to solve.

Curiosity empowers us to seek new perspectives regarding our changing circumstances.  It leads us to new learning and generates fresh alternatives and options.

Written by: Susan Snowden

About the Author

Susan Snowden
Vice President & Executive Coach, Robertson Lowstuter, Inc.

Susan Snowden is an exceptionally perceptive and seasoned executive coach and consultant. As a sounding board and trusted advisor, Susan challenges her clients to greater levels of individual and team achievement. Understanding executive challenges and providing direct and straightforward feedback, Susan leverages strengths and minimizes roadblocks of her clients. Asking insightful questions, she helps them consider new alternatives and explore broader possibilities. Susan focuses on increasing confidence, clarity in communication, brand messaging, lessening conflict, and cross-functional influence and collaboration. Read Full Bio



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