The Power of Relationship Marketing

Often, people stop networking as soon as they are promoted into a new role or land in a new organization. This is a common mistake. Your network is a great source for advice, information, market intelligence, insights, and interesting connections. Your competitive advantage is tied to your ability to build and foster longstanding relationships. It is no longer enough to be the technical expert or to lead a singularly focused team. You must also extend your leadership brand and capabilities across the organization to build widespread endorsement.

Reach out to your current connections to meet new people aligned with your strategy. Be curious and enhance your learning with best industry and functional practices. Be seen as one who is in the know through your own reading, on-the-job observations, cross-functional meetings, and professional conferences. The more people know you, the more you will be tapped for innovative opportunities.

Focusing on relationship marketing allows you to be seen as a leader who is open, accessible, and transparent as you share your authentic value proposition. This broader communication will enrich your current role and enhance your network.

Continued success,


About the Author

Paul Duski is an experienced business management, business development, human resources executive, and entrepreneur with more than 30 years of experience. Read Full Bio


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