People Hate Their Jobs

by Clyde C. Lowstuter

A recent New York Times article (6/1/14) reported startling statistics about how many people hate their jobs.  The article revealed that only 30% of American workers surveyed feel engaged in their jobs; globally it’s worse – only 13% of employees polled in 142 countries feel connected and affirmed.

Overloaded with WorkAccordingly, people are miserable for any number of factors.  They struggle in jobs that are mind numbing, interact with bosses or co-workers who are mean-spirited bullies, or operate in a culture which is oppressive and dangerous, etc.  When people are disengaged and miserable, it is easy for them to fall into the mindset that they are stuck in their current role and have limited employment options.  Ironically, the time when a person needs to be most powerful, is often the time when they are feeling powerless.  To that end, executives often feel trapped, even though they are prisoners of their making.  Instead of limitless possibilities, people are often resigned to limited thinking.

Having experienced a bit of the above myself, I believe that employment misery is more about negative thinking and a lack of resourcefulness than anything else.  Chances are, your upset is more about feeling powerless, and less about your circumstances.

To that end, I’d like to share with you some of R|L’s empowering operating tenets that will help you regain the love and excitement of your job, as well as enhance your belief that your choices are infinite.

  • Kill your entitlement mentality by immediately taking complete accountability for your condition.  If you don’t like how your life or career looks, determine what you do want and, then do something differently.
  • Ask yourself – how might you be generating the upset.  For instance, how wide is the gap between what others expect and what are you delivering?
  • If you are uninspired, what could you do to be more emboldened, confident, and passionate?  Do that thing today!
  • Every one of us was born with greater potential and capabilities far beyond what we access.  Stop working on low priority stuff that is safe and inconsequential.  Devote yourself to life / career changing activities.
  • By saying, “Yes, And!” not “Yes, But,” you’ll become more focused on what you can do versus what you can’t do.
  • Remember, all obstacles are opportunities for learning and problem-solving.  Whining robs you of your initiative and doesn’t lead you positively forward in your career.
  • Failure is not final and does not exist if you learn from it.

Howard Thurman noted philosopher, teacher, and theologian once said:

“Don’t ask what the world needs.  Ask what makes you come alive and go do it.  Because what the world needs, is people who have come alive!”

Warmest wishes for your unbridled success!  May you live an inspired life and unleash more of the greatness that is within you.


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