Dig Deep

By Clyde C. Lowstuter

“What are you going to do for me?” is a question asked by all CEO’s.

Mastering Competency-Based interviewing will give you a leg up on your competition for the perfect job.  If you elevate your skills, I can guarantee that you will have superior interviewing skills to 90%+ of those competing against you for the job you want.

Good news–bad news: your past behavior and performance are predictors of your future behavior, performance, . . . and success.

Woman Being Interviewed

Competency-Based Interviewing, known as Behavioral interviewing, is a thoughtful and rigorous selection process that focuses on experiences, behaviors, knowledge, core values, and skills and abilities that are job-, company-, and industry-specific.

The competencies relevant for you are those characteristics associated with the organization’s culture and the leadership and behavioral traits that superior performers have consistently demonstrated.

4 Success Tips for Competency-Based Interviews

1.  Perform Due Diligence on the Company

  • Conduct research; collect data; identify themes; and ask your network for their impressions of the company and people.

2.  Evaluate the Position Specifications

  • Determine personal leadership and organizational values and characteristics.
  • Line up the job specs against your quantified achievements and their specific impact.

3.  Match Competencies with Your Results

  • Provide examples of when / how you displayed the ideal competencies and results.
  • Identify S.A.R. (Situation, Action, Results) . . . and the P&L impact.

4.  Anticipate, Prepare, and Practice, Practice, Practice

  • Don’t merely show up.  Do your homework.  Boldness, confidence, and enthusiasm are all contagious.  Competency-based interviewing is more daunting and challenging than you might expect . . . but a tremendous differentiator when mastered.

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